WHY US? 为何选择我们?

Haute Voyage


Why choose us?


Nowadays, the biggest challenge faced by the customised upscale outbound travel for Asian clients is the divergence between the initial travel design and the final execution in the foreign destination. The premium fees paid by the exclusive client are consumed by multiple layers of travel agencies on both sides, and most of time the executing tour guide can be someone who has no interaction or communication with the travel planner back home. This problem arises mainly due to the following reasons: the emergence of customised travel is still a new concept in China and the Chinese travel agencies don't yet have a direct access to the local biligual tour guides abroad as most of them are self- employed; the shortage of local high-quality bilingual tour guides abroad. In order to resolve these issues, some travel agencies send a bilingual tour guide travelling with their clients. Ultimately, it is at the cost of the client.


For us, this problem doesn't exist. Unlike the traditional travel agencies you walk past on the high street, or so claimed 'high-end' travel agencies back home, or even the faceless booking engines you might stumble upon online, Haute Voyage is a travel consulting company born and based in Edinburgh. Our core team is bilingual, multi-cultural, loves travelling and last but least loves Scotland. In addition, we call on a network of the best bilingual (Chinese/English, Japanese /English) tourist guides in Scotland. So for your travel, our planner and the excuting tour guide share the same vision with you from the very start. Our mission is to guide you, to inspire you, to tailor a trip to your precise needs, and to make sure your time away is perfect.


With Haute Voyage, there’s no such thing as a package tour; no two experiences are the same because no two requests are ever identical. Our website is here to inspire you. The itineraries are simply examples of the types of trips we like to run so have a read, browse by your specific need and let your wanderlust guide you through our site. When you have an idea of what you’re looking for, be it vague or intricately specific, get in touch. We’ll do the rest.








目前出境 “定制旅游“最大的挑战是旅行设计师和终端地接执行者的分歧。客户付出动辄万元的定制费用,殊不知经费的绝大去向是流进一环又一环的中介腰包。接待您的地接导游,在绝大多数情况下是通过国内外好几层旅行中介联系到的临时地接人员。他们和客户最初沟通,光鲜靓丽的旅行设计师,可能没有任何交接或者交流。然而这种问题的出现主要归结于: 1)定制旅游在中国还是一个比较全新的概念,加上语言差异的前提,国内旅行社目前还没有固定海外双语导游资源;2)海外双语导游大多数是自雇的现状; 3) 本身高素质双语地接人才资源的短缺。所以即使国内旅行社从国内派双语导游随同出行,其实也只能起到与国外地接, 或者目的地管理公司起协调和沟通的作用,况且费用不低。两种情况下,最终受宰割的是在异国他乡的旅行客户。


然而这个难题在欧弗雅这里是不存在的。 区别与您以往看到的国内传统旅行社,国内高端定制旅游社,或者是网上数以千计的搜索引擎,欧弗雅土生土长于英国的文化之都,苏格兰首府爱丁堡。我们只做一件事情,就是苏格兰地区的精品定制旅游。欧弗雅的核心团队拥有双语,双文化背景,热爱旅游,熟知苏格兰。除此之外,我们在拥有苏格兰本土资源优势的前提下,集中了目前定居在苏格兰的精英双语导游,因此解决语言差异,弱化或者直接去除中间商。简单地说,您的旅行设计和执行者是在同一个起点,同一条跑道上为您服务。我们的职责是引导您,激发您,帮助您规划,并实现您在苏格兰的梦想旅行,无论是一天还是一年。



